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Isaac kimani

Nibs students have been awaiting for many days for selection of  Representative who could take their grievances to the head and to create a channel which could make it easy for their communication with the heads. this was observed as many complained that their issue were not held seriously and the fianl conclusion was the problem still existed, this were observed mainly in department of journalism where the access for any instrument was only held for specific student and the only angle of the solution was that other had not skills in handling equipment like camera, they lacked that the motto of the nibs college was to impact skills and competence.

by the step that the college had allowed for election of the students representative, this should allow more room for student participation and free interaction and create good channel of communication between the heads and the student to maintain a good learning environment and fairness.

the election is expected to be in Wednesday 20th of august and student will have a free chance to elect Representative of their choice who would lead the college to better learning environment by taking all student issue to the heads to final solution.

every student is encouraged to participate in election for every department so that they can get Representative of their choice as every department would have Representative of their own.

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In life, we pass several channel before realizing our goal, we do thing that were not met in that stage mostly referred as metamorphosis stage. mostly young people are affected and this is mostly occur due to peer pressure by our age mate and we find doing this we were not supposed to do in that time. in new generation, most young people have been affected mostly mainly in drug and alcohol taking which they refer as to stimulate their mind in active form and overcoming painful hurt in their life.


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unreasonable fail,

in research done recently by the NIBS media group why most student fail to attend most lecturer classes recently semester is due to some lectures come with a way of giving lecture through dictating note when whole class section without giving further explanation of the subject or topic they are covering.

in most interviews done by our NIBS media group, most student said that they are more understanding when lecturer explain more than reading what they had written down and sympathized that lecturers should be more of explaining that dictating to make the student have the more concept of the subject being covered on.

other claimed that they lacked school fees forcing them to be out of school until they update their id cards as required as it is main that make you to be in school Br we come to learn that some student could not have the                      reasons of why they QW

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poor management of games

in current games, players were not given enough time to have excise, just a few days to school inter-campus games student were asked to to excise and the free time given were only afternoons, this led to poor games performance during the matches. according to henry mwas, a student  pursuing mass communication in his ideas he said that, “the school management on games should give more time to the players of every kind of game enough time to excise before the final day of the games, because this is not kind am expecting kind of performance our school should have at last”. most matches played that by all school indicated that none of the players had enough excise and training, this was indicated in manner that after playing the first match, the player went missing in other games in which they seems to have been tired in the first match.

more observation were made when the person in charge of all games seems confused and had not well drafted the match from first to last, this arose when he could only confuse the marches and could select which march to be next randomly, he also promised and asked those who had ability to run a hundred meter run to prepare where at last it did not happened leaving those who were curious to participate feeling let down.


a well managed games should have

  1. well drafted games matches following
  2. have enough training for players
  3. list games to be participated top avoid confusion of matches

isaac kimani

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dressing cord

As the saying goes, ‘one man’s meat is another man’s poison’ whatever is done in public is likely to be criticized. Every piece of cloth is tailored for a specific person or occasion. If you stay nude in the house, you will arouse no criticism, no comment since no one saw you unless theres ‘big brother’ watching. if you dress sexy in a dinner, that is okay since its expected.  But you cant imagine someone in church half nude.. It will be more of a bizarre.  what if someone came in to a dinner party in a t-shirt and jeans, he/she will be out of the theme.  In short, know what to wear and where. Otherwise no attire is unfit, it depends with the occasion and the venue

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career choice

Its unfortunate that after completing the O level education, most students do not understand what career path they should take.  Back in the early years of learning, the teacher would regularly ask what one would like to be when they grow up. The answers were promising ranging from Pilots, Doctors, Engineers, Nurses and every good career was represented.  I don’t recall anyone saying they want to be international footballers, athletes,swimmers or any talent related field. What happened? Personally, I wanted to be a lawyer, now am grown, am no longer interested in practicing law. I realized I wanted to be a lawyer because we had a family friend who was a lawyer and from my perspective I thought she was rich because she was a lawyer.  As time passed I realized not every one who is rich is a lawyer.   I did not have a passion for it, my main agenda was be financially stable. I took a journey into my hobbies and likes, the moment I brought them together, I understood better.  Its not what you do, its how happy and comfortable you feel doing it.  Whatever you do out of passion is likely to succeed and make you happy.

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college relationships

By mercy

Mr. Ng’ang’a, Advertising Lecturer spared some minutes on Friday 8th August to talk on college relationships .  Everyone was busy taking down dictation before Mr. Ng’ang’a asked where the rest of the students were.  I thought to myself the question was worth, not because I wanted to know the where about of others, but because I would put down my pen and stretch. No answer, the students gazed at each other. “you know…..” he cleared his throat and proceeded to warn the boys or rather the ‘gentle men’ as they wish to be addressed on spending most of their college life chasing after the WAREMBO.  giggling was all over and most of the guys stared at him with the ‘tunajua kenye tunafanya’ look. “ONLY A WOMAN CAN SLEEP POOR AND WAKE UP A MILLIONAIRE’ what about a man? before I asked, he had already answered that for a man, one has to work extra hard. Not because every woman is entitled to riches, but its a fact that if a man is a millionaire, the wife is an ‘auto’ millionaire.  its in few cases where a man becomes rich because the wife is rich.  I completely concurred with him and before we went back to dictation he had come to the bottom line of his ‘lecture on life’ and he repeatedly echoed on it “I CAN BET THOSE GUYS WHO ARE IN COLLEGE RELATIONSHIPS ARE FEEDING SOMEBODY ELSE COW. save your pocket money for a better course and utilize your time.”